An Exception in Kotlin is a runtime Exception. The process by which Exceptions are handled is called Exception Handling. The following keywords need to be understood and used in Programming. Here is…
This post is a continuation from an earlier post at Reading an Image and displaying where we learned how to read an image from disk and display it. In this post we will read the dimensions of a t…
This is the inaugural post in a new series. We will be discussing Image Processing in Python using the Open CV library. The first thing to do is to install the Open Cv library. Open the terminal in P…
Threads represent concurrent activity in Kotlin. The simplest way of implementing threads is by extending the Thread class. The code for the thread is defined in the run method. Here is a thread that…
Inheritance in OOPs is extending a class by adding new features and modifying existing features while maintaining backward compatibility. The existing class is called the super class while the newly …
A Kotlin class is defined in its simplest form by declaring its members in the class declaration itself. class Book(var bookname:String,var subject:String,var price:Int) { override fun toStri…
This post explains the basics of implementing functions in the Kotlin programming language. Functions in Kotlin are declared by using the fun keyword. Here is a simple Hello Kotlin function. fun say…
In this series on the best job sites in India we will be evaluating Killer Launch is a great job search site and provides the following facilities. Job Search, both free and paid premium version. …
Consider the following situation. 4 friends A,B,C, and D purchase something for ₹ 45,000. A paid half of sum of B,C and D. B paid 1/4 of the sum of A,C and D. C paid 1/8 of the sum of A, B and D. H…
Consider the following figure O OO OOO OOOO This will be drawn using nested loops so let us make a chart i No of Os 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 T…
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