React Syllabus

Creating a syllabus for learning React can vary depending on the level of expertise you want to achieve and the duration you have in mind.

**Course Title: Mastering React**

**Course Duration:** 10 weeks (adjustable as per the pace)

- Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Familiarity with ES6 features (arrow functions, destructuring, etc.)

**Week 1: Introduction to React**
- What is React?
- Setting up the development environment
- Creating your first React component
- JSX (JavaScript XML)

**Week 2: Components and Props**
- Building reusable components
- Passing and using props
- Functional components vs. Class components
- State and lifecycle

**Week 3: State and Lifecycle**
- Managing state in React
- Component lifecycle methods
- Handling user input with forms and events

**Week 4: Hooks**
- Introduction to hooks (useState, useEffect, etc.)
- Building functional components with hooks
- Custom hooks

**Week 5: Routing with React Router**
- Setting up React Router
- Creating and navigating between routes
- Route parameters and query strings

**Week 6: Forms and Controlled Components**
- Controlled vs. uncontrolled components
- Form handling in React
- Validation and error handling

**Week 7: Styling in React**
- CSS Modules
- Styled-components
- Popular CSS-in-JS libraries

**Week 8: State Management with Redux**
- Introduction to Redux
- Actions, reducers, and the store
- Connecting React components to Redux
- Asynchronous actions with Redux Thunk

**Week 9: Advanced Topics**
- Context API
- Error boundaries
- Portals
- High-Order Components (HOCs)
- Performance optimization

**Week 10: Building a Real-World Project**
- Putting it all together: A complete React application
- Integrating with a backend (e.g., Node.js, Firebase, or other APIs)
- Deployment and production considerations

**Final Project:**
- Students will build a complex React application from scratch, applying all the concepts learned throughout the course.

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