Python Course Syllabus at Varanasi Software Junction

At Varanasi Software Junction we provide the best Python courses. We have courses for developers starting their careers, for experienced developers updating their skills and also for school students.
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Topics to be covered in this 3 months course.

Python Training Syllabus

About us

Python Training at Varanasi Software junction. This is based at Varanasi Software Junction Location. Our phone number is 09335874326,in case you re calling from outside then add the India country code 91. Complete phone number would be +919335874326.

Training Sessions

  1. Beginning Python Programming

    1. Installing Python and Pycharm and create a project

    2. Understanding the Python Program, using variables, print statement, and input.

    3. Arithmetic Operations.

    4. Relational Operators, Logical Operators, if else and ternary statements

    5. Problems on the above topics

      1. Find the max of 3 numbers
      2. Check for a leap year
      3. Check for the type of a triangle
      4. Given the month and year find the days in the month
      5. Find the weekday given the week day no
      6. Solve a Quadratic Equation
      7. Find the division given the marks in 3 subjects
      8. Find the middle number of 3 numbers
  2. Loops

    1. While loops

    2. Understanding the Range class, starting for loops

    3. Problems on loops

    4. Nested Loops

    5. Drawing patterns using loops

    6. Small Project

  3. Data Structures

    1. List.

    2. Dictionary.

    3. Tuple.

    4. Set.

    5. Frozen Set

    6. Problems on Data Structures.

    7. Small Project

  4. OOPs

    1. Functions

    2. Recursion

    3. Making Classes

    4. Constructors and the str function

    5. Using many classes, importing

    6. Overloading of Operators

    7. Inheritance

    8. Classes and Objects

    9. Design Patterns

    10. Small Project

  5. More

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