Here are five introductory-level programming questions related to Java arrays

Here are five introductory-level programming questions related to Java arrays:

1. **Array Sum:**
   Write a Java program that calculates and prints the sum of all elements in an integer array.

2. **Array Average:**
   Create a Java program to find and display the average of elements in a double array.

3. **Array Maximum Value:**
   Implement a Java function to find the maximum value in an array of integers and print the result.

4. **Array Search:**
   Write a Java program that searches for a specific element in an array of strings. If found, print the index; otherwise, indicate that the element is not present.

5. **Array Reversal:**
   Develop a Java method to reverse the order of elements in an array. Print the reversed array.

Feel free to use these questions for practice or modify them to suit your needs. They cover basic concepts such as array manipulation, iteration, and conditional statements in Java.

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