A dictionary is collection of values indexed by keys
A dictionary is collection of values indexed by keys. Keys cannot be repeated, values can be repeated Empty Dictionaries are created by {} brackets or dict() """ d = {} print(d, type(d)) d = dict() print(d, type(d)) """ Dictionaries with keys d={1:"One",2:"Two"} 1 is key and "One" is value """ d = {1: "One", 2: "Two"} print(d) # Add a key value to dictionary using d[key]=value. Updating is done in the same way d[3] = "Three" print(d) d[3] = "3-Three" # Replace print(d) """ dictionary has three collections Items, Keys and Values """ print("Items") for key, value in d.items(): print(key, value) print("Keys") for key in d.keys(): print(key) print("Values") for value in d.values(): print(value) # Searching for values. get method returns None if value is not found value = d.get(0) print(value) # None because key 0 does not exist value = d.get(1) print(value) # Key exists # We cn also search by direct indexing but it throws exception if not found print(d[2]) # Value found # print(d[9])#raises KeyError because not found """ Removing elements """ d.pop(2) # Throws exception if key not found print(d) d.popitem() # Remove the last element print(d)
runs = [1, 10, 23, 34, 56] # Create a dictionary from 2 lists names = ["Sachin", "Rahul", "Mahender", "Sourav", "Saubhagya"] newdict1 = {name: run for (name, run) in zip(names, runs)} print(newdict1) newdict2 = {run: name for (run, name) in zip(runs, names)} print(newdict2) newdict3 = {run: name for (run, name) in zip(runs, [run * 2 for run in runs])} print(newdict3) newdict4 = {run: name for (run, name) in zip(runs, [(lambda run: run + 2)(run) for run in runs])} print(newdict4) newdict5 = dict.fromkeys(runs) # Create dictionary from a list with values = None print(newdict5) newdict6 = dict.fromkeys(runs,0) # Create dictionary from a list with values = 0 print(newdict6)
Write a program to remove all duplicates from a sentence using a Dictionary This train is a good train This train is a good
Implement the Counter function that creates a key:count dictionary ba ba black sheep {"ba":2,"black":1,"sheep":1}
Convert key:value to value:key dictionary {0:"zero",1:"one"} to {"zero":0,"one":1}
Write a program to create a dictionary of factorials {0:1,1:1,2:2,3:6,4;24}
Write a program to store Student records in a dictionary using rollno as key.Use a nested dictionary as data. {1:{"name":"Mahender","class":10},2:{"name":"Dharmendra","class":10}} Provide add,update, delete and search. Rollno is unique
Write a program to store a list of powers of a number in a dictionary For 2={0:1,1:2,2:4,3:8}
Write a program to merge 2 dictionaries. {1;:"One",2:"Two"} + {3:"Three"} {1:"One",2:"Two",3:"Three"}