Questions on Python Functions

Questions on Python Functions

Varanasi Software Junction: Questions on Python Questions

  • Write a function to calculate Simple Interest and Compound Interest.
  • Write a function to find the maximum o 2 numbers. Use it to find the max of 3 numbers.
  • Write a function that takes as input hours and minutes in 24 hr format and adjusts to 12 hour format. 
    11:45 becomes 11:45 AM
    12:45 becomes 12:45 PM
    13:45 becomes 1:45 PM
  • Write a function to calculate the sum of a list of numbers
  • Write  a program to convert a decimal number to binary
  • Write a program to input a,b and c as a dictionary and calculate the roots of a quadratic equation.
  • Write a program to find the nth Fibonacci number.
  • Write a program print the table of a number given n.
  • Write a function to check if a number is part of the Fibonacci series.
  • Write a series of functions to print the calendar of a given year and month.

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