This blog presents the outline for a simple project implementing a quiz application. The application will consist of a series of multiple choice questions. The questions will be saved in a file using serialization.
Three classes will be built having the following members
Class Question
Fields(All fields will be private with getters.).
Qno int
Question String
Option A String
Option B String
Option C String
Option D String
Correct Option int
Explanation String. This will be shown while displaying the results in case of a wrong answer.
Constructor. Take all the inputs
Display. Display the question
Class QuestionsSupplier
questions. Array of Questions
total questions. int
current question no int
Constructor. Initialize questions array, set total questions and initialize current question no.
previous. Return the previous question if it exists otherwise throw exception
next. Get the next question if it exists otherwise exception.
getQuestionByQuestionNo. This will get question by question no.
We will extend this later on to database and a web interface. Watch this space.