Publishing a Flutter App on Playstore

Publishing a Flutter App on Playstore

App live on Playstore

Create a new Flutter App on Android Studio.
Pay special attention to the Organization. This is the prefix by which your App is recognized in Playstore. It usually is your company's website in reverse. I don't have a site so I use my blog in reverse.
The full name of the App is com.blogspot.varanasisoftwarejunction.vsjplaystore = Organization + project name 
Click Create

Thee project in Android Studio.

Run the project and view it in Chrome

The next step is creating a signed apk or an aab.

The first step is open for editing in Android Studio

Generate Signed Apk

Click Next

Generate the signing key now.
Fill in proper passwords and a key store path. 
Check the Google Play app signing option
Press Create Now

Press ok now

Press Next 

Choose release and press Create

Open Playstore and press Create app

Name the App and press Create app

Scroll down and press Create new release

Upload the App Bundle you created before

Enter the release notes and press Next

Press Save and Publish now

Press save and Publish again

Add testers and press Save Changes

Tester's link.

Write your comments/doubts/problems in the discussion section below.
Give me your email ID if you want to be a tester.

The App on a mobile device

Project Repo on GitHub

App live on Playstore

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