Problems on Stacks.

Problems on Stacks. 

Solve these and post the answers below.

Check for a Palindrome using a Stack

Eg "abcd" is not a palindrome, "aa", "abcba" are palindromes

Check for a proper parenthesis using a Stack

Eg "(1+2*(3+5)" is not properly parenthesized, "(1+2*(3-5)-9)", "()","a+[b-c)" are properly parenthesized.

Find the code inside the parenthesis using a Stack.

Eg "(1+2*(3-5)-9)" will break up into
(3-5) and (1_2*(3-5)-9)

Evaluate the expression inside the parenthesis using a Stack.

Eg "(1+2*(3-5)-9)" will evaluate to -12

Repeat the above problems for expressions with multiple types of brackets.

Eg "[1+2*(3-5)-{9-8}]")

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